Marginal Books

UDEMY Course: How to develop a Full 
Business Model Canvas based on two typical businesses

The Objectives of the Course

Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a tool meant to make business analysis easier through as structured approach. Much like DeBono’s 6 hats or Ishikawa’s Cause and Effect diagram, BMC is a group effort consisting of a team that will define 9 business blocks. These blocks will be used to prepare a model for any idea that is planned for in an organization. Such ideas can be startups, new process, new projects, product development or strategic plans.

The 9 blocks contain such units as Value Propositions, which defines what we would be offering to our customers or beneficiaries. Customer Segments defines the different groups of individuals or organizations our company wishes to reach and give value to. And so on for the other blocks.

The BMC practice consists of brainstorming sessions between experts covering the 9 blocks, who aim at defining each of them in a precise and concise manner. BMC is not a project plan, nor a business plan. It is a model that allows management to justify the decision to go on with the “idea”, to modify it or even reject it.

This course consists of 3 lectures which define the 9 blocks. Following each definition, the lecture will present the way the block is used for two fictitious companies: ProntoCab, an online / app driven taxi company and ProntoProduce, a virtual market that links customers shopping for fruits and vegetables to suppliers of the same, allowing them quick delivery over a diverse set of products.

The lectures and sections are broken down as follows:

Lecture 1 - Background
A.Background and Course Structure

Lecture 2 – Defining the Model
B.Definition of the Business Model Canvas

Lecture 3 - Developing the Model + Two Case Studies

C.The 3-Stage Process for Developing the Business Canvas Model
D.The Two Case Studies we Shall Prepare a Model for

Lecture 4 – Definition of the first 4 Blocks + 2 Case Studies

E.The Value Propositions and the 3 External Blocks

Lecture 5 – Definition of the last 5 Blocks + 2 Cases Studies

F.The 3 Internal and 2 Quantitative Blocks

Lecture 6 – A Few Examples from Large Companies

G.A Few Example Models from the Web

Details of the Course

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