UDEMY Course: Applied Monte Carlo Simulation
The Objectives of the Course
The course has 4 main objectives:
1) To present an 8-Step Framework for developing Monte Carlo
Simulation models. This framework standardizes the identification of input
variables and the identification and setup of the distributions needed to
randomize their values. It continues to develop a standardized model with 1000s
of scenarios. It completes the model by presenting around 5 useful statistical
analytic techniques such as the frequency tables, the confidence intervals, the
combo chart (frequency and cumulative frequency %) and such.
2) To present detailed lectures on quantitative methods
needed in simulation such as the generation and application of random numbers,
fundamentals of probability and 4 applications of the Normal Distribution.
3) To present in detail more than 10 commonly used probability
distributions such as Normal, Binomial, Geometric, Negative Binomial, Poisson,
Exponential, Beta, LogNormal, etc.
4) To present 18 detailed and useful models. Amongst the presentations
will be a variety of useful simulation techniques: shuffling to avoid bias,
dual level simulation, different ways to replicate formulations, etc.
All the above are supported by video lectures (replicated in
the resources by the PDF format of the PowerPoint slides), all Excel models and
related supporting material.
Details of the Course
Charges: $24.99 is price if you use this link and coupon:
However, on a regular basis, UDEMY will post the course at different prices (up or down!). Review the site for such prices.
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